Sitemap - 2023 - The Daily Oracle

This Week's Roundup... Plus A Merry Xmas & A Very Happy New Year To All My Readers!

Friday: The General Picture: False Recovery & A Trap

A Vera Sibilla"Four Corners" 2024 Prediction

Wednesday: What's Going On Behind Closed Doors? Despair, Message, Legal Advice, Tears & The Children

Lenormand News 2024 Year Ahead Reading

This Week: Warning Of Enemy Plans & Vengeance; Reminder That Those Grieving Are Still Subject To The Law

Oracle Deck Resources & Articles Roundup

Last Year's Kipper Predictions For 2023: How Did They Do?

Looking Back At The Expanded Four Corners Layout 2023 (Sibilla Indovina/Sibylle des Salons)

Nostradamus or Not-Radamus? Looking Back At The 2023 Predictions Of The Year Ahead Monthly Clock Reading With The Sibilla Indovina

Daily Oracle 2023: What Did I Get Right On News Stories July-Nov?

Daily Oracle 2023: What Did I Get Right On News Stories Jan-June?

Identifying Enemies & Trouble In A Lenormand Grand Tableau

Weekly Roundup: 6 Themes & Royal Influences For December, Limitation Action, An Enemy, Jealousy & Spite

Friday: Lenormand: A Woman With The Key To The Marriage Facing Jealousy & Spite And Attempts To Sully Her Name Abroad

Thursday: Wheel of Fortune On The Current "Enemy"; What's Led Up To It, What's Likely To Follow...

Wednesday: Action Anticipated From A Man To Limit A Particular Woman For The Sake Of A Household, Institution Or Brand

Tuesday: Royal Influences Upcoming December (Mystic 7s Layout)

This Week: 6 Main Themes Upcoming in December

Weekly & Month End Roundup: Big Picture On The State of The World, Samhain's Warnings, Turmoil, Gossip & Reveals

Friday: Two Politicians. A Sunak V. Starmer Partnership Oracle Read (Sibilla Indovina)

Thursday: A First Look At December 2023 (Traditional Zigeuner Fortune Telling Cards)

Wednesday: What's The Goss? Senior Royal Male Leaking To the Press Or No?

Tuesday: Bridges To Build For Change: More People And Changed Energies

This Week: Reconciliation Joy, Mutual Love & Bridge-Building; Act Quickly To Cut Negative Ties

Weekly Roundup: A Deal, Performative Healing, A Past Royal Partnership, Malady In Thinking

Friday: What's The Deal? Direction & Guidance Out Of The Maze, Children, War & Risk

Thursday: Current Thought, Where It's Come From, Where It's Going

Wednesday: A Malady & What Needs To Be Done To Move Forward

Tuesday: Another Partnership Reading: Two Royal Sisters & Past Relationship

Coming Up This Week: A Display Of Healing Influencing Thought, & A Deal Or Written Agreement

Weekly Roundup: Divisions, Purity & Blindspots, Plus An Unexpected Political Return

Friday: Feud or Battle Being Thought Of; Two Camps, But Only One Takes The Gamble

Thursday: What People Are Saying: That An Enemy Is Celebrating Progress. Are They Right?

Wednesday: Purity Stuck Between A Rock & A Hard Place; Choices On Perceptions Blocked, & A Warning About Alignment

Tuesday: What Is Going On?! Partnership Spread For A Surprise Political Return

This Week: Faithfulness & Purity Plus Climbdowns, While Bonds Threaten To Come Apart, And Blind Spots Cause Lasting Mistakes

Weekly Roundup: Themes Around Crowds, Trust, Enemies Perhaps Displays or Performativity & The Young, With A Female Foe & Deception Also In The Picture

Friday: The Path Ahead, Burdened Young, Transformation Possible, But Watch For Deceptions From Inside The House

Thursday: About The Enemy. Tears, Grief & Sincere Desire To Help Presents Dilemma About Who's Given Value

Wednesday: Problem Youth, What's At The Root Of Current Issues?

Tuesday: An Older Woman & What's On Her Mind

This Week's Themes: Surprise Love Reunion; Older Woman & Mob Behaviour; Duty, Gifts, The Law, Theft, Self Righteousness & An Enemy On The Move

This Week's Roundup: Big Picture Current Affairs Readings

Friday: A Man, Influenced By The Past & Perhaps An Inevitable Ending To A Home Legally Given, Throws Money At Officials Or Military

Thursday: Shifts In Friendships, Disillusionment, Caution A Lonely Road, But Likely To Be The Right One In The End. Safety First.

Wednesday: Big Karma Month Where All Is Revealed, Truth Out On Financial Malpractice, Disloyalty, & Crazy Behaviour Bringing Turmoil, Everything Upside-Down

Tuesday: Two Readings For Samhain. What Must Pass, & A Spiritual Message

Current Big Picture: State Of The World End Oct 2023

Weekly Roundup: Violent Retribution, Tribalism, Falsehoods, Allegiances & A Couple Of Royal Readings

Friday: What's The Goss About This High Profile Royal Couple?

Three Faces of Time Layout: Past, Present, Future

Thursday: A Couple In High Position Where The Luck Is Running Out. She, Frustrated, He, Morose.

Wednesday: News Upcoming Of Senior Man, Domestic Power & Allies, And A Chance To Fulfil His Big Ambition

Tuesday: What's Underpinning Falsehoods & What Can Be Done About Them?

Week Ahead: False "Service" Or Deference From A Soldier Yearning For Retribution & Money Expected That Never Comes

Weekly Roundup: Conflict, Danger & Obstacles, Man's Trip, Deception & Legal Gambles

Russian "Gypsy" Fortune Telling Cards v. Lenormand

Friday: Change For A Senior Man, To Do With People, Work & A Temporary Dysfunction

Thursday: Impediments, A Challenge Presented, But Gambling With Legality Won't Bring Support Or Protection

Wednesday: An Implacable Enemy, But Also Hope Of Growth. Be Alert, Not Naive, And Don't Fall For Deceptions.

Tuesday: Another Man's Journey, Boy To Man, But Proud Displays Lead Only To Death & Endings

This Week: Difficulties With Movement; Obstacles, Fighting, Danger. Temporary Negativity Gives Way To Final Endings Or Greater Dysfunction

Weekly Roundup: Destruction, Circularity, Divisions & Tribalism, A Never-Ending Cycle & Misplaced Loyalties

Friday: Violence, Division & News Of Plans To Be Learned Before Change Can Occur

Thursday: A Man Gets Legal Advice Regarding Wealth And A Deal. Possible Secret Agreement But He'll Lose Anyway.

Wheel Of Fortune Spread: Traditional Fortune Telling Cards

Wednesday: A Man's Journey; A Game, A Trap, Protection Of Younger Men

Tuesday: Thoughts Of Destruction, A Place Starting & Ending With Grief, A Journey Of Loss

This Week: Messenger Of Destruction, Religion, Funding. Soft Targets, Lasting Sorrow Celebrated, Fortunes Stolen

A Short Partnership/Relationship Layout

This Week: October Prediction; Wife, A Friend & Loyalty, Gossip Over Surprise Communication & A Famous Couple

Friday: A Couple Where He Enjoys His Diversions, She Adores Him, But Despite Any Conflicts, They Continue To Have Hope

Thursday: Mystery Gossip Over Surprise Communication. Is The Young Woman Really In Despair, Or Is The Man Simply Yearning & Loyal?

Wednesday: A Woman's Loyalty Dwindled; Looking Ahead To Money, Perhaps Instructing

Tuesday: Wife & Friend, Collapse in Thought That Needs Healing

October Month Ahead: Work, A Senior Man, Haves, Have-Nots, A Long Wait For A Woman & Young People

Month-End Roundup: Crumbling Institutions & Disaster, Ageing, Fake Gurus & Scandals, & The Loss of Some Old Stalwarts

Friday: Legal Concerns After Bad News On Dysfunction, Despair For The Public Over Young People

Thursday: An Older, High Ranking Man & His Goals Or Guidance For Maintaining High Reputation & Standing

Wednesday: Senior Wealthy Man Hoping To Cut Off A Woman's Money Tap?

The Star Spread

Tuesday: Dysfunction, Thought, Collapse Needed For Rationalism To Return

Week Ahead: Senior Man Makes Changes, But Doesn't Benefit Workforce, Surprise Theft, Fakers Win, & Sad News Regarding An Ending Or Loss

The "Draw of Gossip" (aka "Lowdown" or "What's The Goss?" Spread)

Weekly Roundup: Scandal Involves Man & Young Women, Gossip Either Side, Institutional Attitudes Behind Closed Doors, A Deceitful Character

Friday: Legal Advice Gifted To Young Woman, But Grief & Despair Over What's Been Taken

Thursday: A Deceitful, Abusive Man, A Cutting Off & Support Coming To An End

Wednesday: An Institution Where Thoughts Behind Closed Doors Are Insincere, & The Wrong Men Are Rewarded

Tuesday: What Are People Saying? Talk Of Women, Money & Flirting Overseen By A Senior "Kindly" Man

What's The Lowdown on THAT scandal?

Weekly Roundup: Horrendous Natural Disaster Hits, Plus Celeb Exposes, A Dark Haired Man, Female Enablers & Furious Female Foes

Friday: A Senior Female Figure Makes A Challenging Transition To A Brand New Life

Thursday: A Man & A Woman Look At Status & Money Between Them, But A Get-Together Goes Badly

Wednesday: A Visitation of Sorrow & Destruction, Fury, Losses

A Week Ahead Spread

Tuesday: Surprise Private Negativity Of A Senior Man's Biggest Female Support, Falseness Or Facade In The Face Of Sorrow

This Week: A Smart, Dark-Haired Man May Be Pushing His Luck & A Game Is Being Played: Watch Out For The Charm Offensive

Weekly Roundup: September Predictions, Royal Look Ahead, & Infrastructure Crumbling In More Ways Than One

The Secret To Reading Lenormand Card Combinations

Friday: News Delayed Or Held Back About Business Changes & Communications For Particular Domain

Thursday: Pride Comes Before A Fall & Private Mourning For A Wife Or Responsible Female Figure

Wednesday: Buildings Unserviced, Unpleasant Surprise, A Failure Of Nurturance & Care

Sept '23 to May '24: Royal Predictions

This Month: What's Coming Up Overall Newswise In September?

Timing In The Lenormand Grand Tableau

Weekly Roundup: Grief & Mourning, Children, Loss & Theft, As Well As Wealth And "All For Show"

Friday: Woman Mourns A Judgement Of Unhealthiness While Ahead, A Childish Lover Makes A Journey

Thursday: A Swift Unmasking, Examination Of Options, A Romance Re-Examined

Wednesday: A Woman Takes The Reward, Deal With Older Man That Takes Long Time In Court

Tuesday: Complaints & Someone Getting Away With Ill-Gotten Gains Is Now Prevented

Houses & Counting In The Lenormand Grand Tableau

This Week: Regrets Over What's Been Lost, Superficial Nostalgia, But It's Really All About The Money

Weekly Update: Behind The Scenes, Family Gatherings, Male Enemies, An Accident, Aftermath and Scrutiny

Friday: Scrutiny, But Investigation Hampered By Insider Deals, Conflict & Murkiness

Thursday: A Fiery Disaster, Disloyalty, Payback & The Chance To Bring Loss & Mourning

Wednesday: News Of An Official, Older & Younger Man & Negative Thoughts About Financial Agreement

Tuesday: Poss Accident Or Sudden Loss Oncoming, Secret Swiftly Revealed, A Child, A Senior Man, Talks

This Week: Families, Reunions, A Male Enemy Corners To Deliver A Message, Discussion Of Bad Business

Lenormand Grand Tableau IV: Ways To Expand The Story

Weekly Roundup: Home & Family Issues, Court Cases & Money & Also Reconciliations

Friday: Legal Proceedings, Loss Of Money Or Value & A Reveal Of A Son's Protector's Unreliability

Thursday: Dutiful Man Looks To Rekindle Spirit Of Romance In His Domestic Life With Caring Wife & Mother

Wednesday: The Trials Of Donald. A Visit, Greed & Loss.

Tuesday: A Couple, An Expected Child, Meetings With Lawyers

This Week: Reconciliation After Fall-Out, A Breakup, Someone Coming Up Roses, But Watch For Wolves In Sheeps' Clothing

Weekly Roundup: Deals, Advice, Rulings, Losses & Women In Senior Positions

Enjoying Getting Oracle Card Predictions Daily Into Your Inbox?

Friday: Wealthy Man In Authority Position Awaits Advice On Private Payout To Particular Woman

Lenormand Grand Tableau III: Reading With More Modern Methods Basics

Thursday: News Of A Senior Man's Losses In Both Reputation & Money

Wednesday: Negativity & Sadness Need Healing, But Displays Of Arrogance & Pride Become The Story For This Child

Tuesday: A Generous-Seeming Man's "Gifts" For Pet Projects See Financial Losses Which May Be Spun As Successes

This Week: A Woman Waiting For Rich Man's Input Turns To A Senior Man For Money & Status Advice

Weekly Roundup: Untrustworthy Charmers, Allies Meet & No Stones Left Unturned In Investigations

Friday: An Investigation & Search Through the Maze For The Key, Which Will Likely Lie With Man's Family & Those Close To Him

Lenormand Grand Tableau II: Rebranding, "Philippe Lenormand Instructions" & Near & Far

Thursday: A Man Who Makes Out He's Protective, An Angry Woman, But Trouble Getting Away

Wednesday: Legal Matters For A Wealthy Older Man; Strings Pulled, Determined To Succeed

The Lenormand Grand Tableau I: The Game Of Hope

Tuesday: Message On The Dark Side Of Money, & Its Impact Closer To Home

This Week: Sad News From Afar, & An Untrustworthy Charmer In A Meeting Of Old Allies

Weekly Roundup: Tangled Legal Webs, Addictions Take The Edge Off Desperate Longing & A Perhaps Unhealthy Desire For Revenge Through Court

An Introduction To Lenormand Cards

Friday: Moral Judgements Or Legal Case Involving Enemy Bolsters Jealousy & A Deep Desire For Destruction

Thursday: Scrutiny Of Business Affairs, Power, Deals, Money, Coverups & Time

Wednesday: Affectionate Reconciliation With Man Seen As Risky & Gameplayer Brings Consternation

Tuesday: A Desperate Person Perhaps Turning To Addictions To Lighten Things, A False Helper In Times Of Yearning

This Week: High Position & Big Money Rewarded, But Man Considers If It's Coming To An End?

Weekly Roundup: Deal Goes Wrong, By-Elections & Women In Power/Celebrity & Politics

Lenormand Brief Card Meanings 1-36 Plus Extra Cards

Friday: A Road Lit In All Directions, A Burden For Someone New, & Officials Working to Get Round Delay

Thursday: Charm Offensive By A Woman, Game Played With A Wealthy Older Man, & She's Playing To Win

Wednesday: A Man, A Woman, Organisation or Party. Promotion For Him, While She Has To Wait

Kipper Grand Tableau V: Indicating Timing

Tuesday: Young & Old Women As Messengers About The Trap Of Fandom By The Mob

This Week: Mistakes In Trade, & Threats To A Union. Watch Out For New "Deals" & You Can't Escape The Past

Kipper Grand Tableau IV: Houses In The GT

Roundup: Downfall Energy For Powerful Men, Public Unrest, Gossip & Institutions

Friday: Sorrow & Anger At Losses, But Contemplation, Guidance & Merriment Covering For Jealousy

Thursday: Gossip & Chatter Cut Off For Now, But More May Emerge When The Time Is Right From Those Who Lie In Wait

Wednesday: BBC Scandal continued. Wealth & Value, Plus Anticipation of Disaster, & Those Seen As "Lower" Longing For Despair To Come

Tuesday: BBC presenter saga and a possible deal coming up, but revelations and surprises all round

This Week: A Wait For News Of A Man, His Private Life & A Payment, As He Moves On

Friday: Agreement Between Angry Woman & Senior Male, Appears To Be A Win, But Actually A Trap

Thursday: Clouds Overshadow "Child" Or Project Of A Man's Business House With Financial Secrets or Fraud The Source Of Gossip

Wednesday: French Riots & A Coming Together After Wife Targeted At Home Proves Beneficial For Restoring Order

Kipper Grand Tableau III: Extra Tips & Tricks

Tuesday: Lover Contemplates Losses, Fraudulent Promises, & Past Meetings With Those On The Take

This Week: Man Bides His Time, Perhaps Waiting To Put Something Unhealthy Out Of Its Misery. Big Money & Legal Restrictions Involved, Also A Departing Woman

Kipper Grand Tableau Part II: Getting Details

Weekly Roundup: Breaking Deals & Marriages, Strategising & Blame

Friday: Man Mourns Love Losses He Believes Are Due To Dark Enemy Forces

Introduction To The Kipper Grand Tableau

Thursday: Man Considering Moving, Legal Proceedings Relating To Deal Or Marriage, & A Gift

Wednesday: Revelation Over Reunion & Deal Between Older & Younger Man, But Enemy Lurks & One Will Lose To The Other

Tuesday: A Man Who's Lost Something Strategises Over How To Be Victorious

This Week: On The Right Road, But Union Breaks & Project Fails, Although Will Bring Success Eventually

The Kipper Master Card Spread

Weekly Update: Tragedy, Hubris & Sadness. "What Was Lost, Gone Forever" & A "Female" Energy Raging

Friday: A Gamble With Thrills To Fill A Void: Rage Of A Female Force At The Journey

Thursday: Official Person In Charge Of Purse Strings, Gifts Or Grants Of Money To Community

Wednesday: Expert Thought, Sickness, & "Female" Energies Regarding Commercial Trip In Search Of Treasure

Tuesday: Lost Ships, Battles Of Natural Forces, Navigation, Weather, Erosion Problems & Communication

This Week: Random Event Brings Sadness, But Response Flows As It Should. Good Feeling Between People, But Enemy Still At Large

Reading The Kipper 9-Card Box Spread II

Reading The Kipper 9-Card Box Spread I

Weekly Roundup: "Who, Me?" Lies, Deceptions, Powerful Men In Despair & Mourning For Losses

Friday: Man In Mourning After Lies, Enemies In The House & Recent Losses

Thursday: News Of A Man's Deceptions, & Swift Change To Plans & Ambitions

Wednesday: Older, Senior Man In Despair Over A Court Case & Money, But Having To Keep Up The Persona For The Sake Of His Role

A Kipper Relationship or Partnership Layout

Tuesday: Senior Protective Figure Rewarded In The Past Now Trapped By Sense Of Lack, Yearning For Future Gifts That May Never Come

This Week: A Woman's Theft & Fraudulent Behaviour & News, Perhaps False, Of Disappointment Over Disaster

Kipper: Short Readings To Answer General Questions (Without Significator)

Weekly Roundup: Biteback As Truths Exposed, Betrayals & Court Cases

Friday: A Lover Being Advised, Perhaps Badly, In Repeat Battles With Those He Sees As Baying Enemies

Thursday: Major Turning Point After Stuckness, With Positive Routes Coming, But For Whom? Burdens of Expected Persona & A Fated Test

Simple Kipper Readings I: 3-Card Chains "Line of Sight"

Wednesday: Glass Half-Empty In Court Case Where Rich Man Pleads Greatly Diminished Luck In Day-To-Day Activities

Tuesday: Woman Rages At Revelation Of Betrayal On Journey By Friend, Where Money Involved May Come As A Shock

Kipper: Reading & Practicing Pairs Of Cards

This Week: News Of Pleasant Encounters & Jealousy, Backing Off, Snipes, Drama, Then Recovery. Deceit To Be Exposed.

Weekly Roundup: A Celebrity Man, A Woman, A Wait For Major Revelations, Recent Disputes, Falseness & Betrayals

Friday: A Man, A Senior Woman, End Of A House Arrangement. Work Conditions, Plus Love Life & Private Rewards

Kipper Cards: Practice Reading Directional Images II

Thursday: A Female Helper, Potential Deal, Surprise That Doesn't Happen, & Business Disaster Anticipated

Wednesday: Success, Ambition & Fame Ending For High Ranking Man, With Journey Betrayed

Kipper: Practice Reading Directional Images I

Tuesday: A Couple Apart, A Man's Despair Hidden By Falseness, As She Moves Away With Advice & A Gift

This Week: Waiting For Major Revelations On An Inconsistent Man, The Trappings Of Success & Recent Quarrels

Weekly Roundup: Karma Calls, Deceptions Revealed, Masks Falling & Couples Move Apart

Friday: A Couple, Home & Family Life, Enforcement, Money & Rewards, But A Private Place To Escape

Kipper Cards: Fin de Siecle Deck Extra Cards

Thursday: Gossip About A Deep Dive & The Sudden Removal Of A Man's Mask or Persona

Kipper Cards 31-36: Short Illness, Despair, Murky Thoughts, Work, Long Road, Hope Big Water

Wednesday: A Child, Healing From A Past Disaster, But Undermined By Love That Isn't What It Seems

Kipper Cards 25-30: High Honour, Great Fortune, Unexpected Income, Expectation, Imprisonment, Judication

Tuesday: A Man And A Woman Moving Apart Over Amount Of Money And A Child

Kipper Cards 19-24: Death/Coffin, House, Living Room, Military Person, Court, Thief

This Week: Fate & Karma, With Luck In Defence & Security & Deceptions Revealed, But Be Warned: An Enemy Has Us In Their Sights

Weekly Roundup: Fraud Investigations, Messaging Got Badly Wrong, Debt, "Car Chases" & Cynicism In Court

Kipper Cards 13-18: Rich Man, Sad News, Success In Love, His Thoughts, Receiving Gift, Little Child

Friday: Court Cases, Cynicism & Negativity Over Any Financial Gains For Young Woman Or Women

Kipper Cards 7-12: Message, False Person, Change, Journey, A Lot Of Money, Rich Girl

Thursday: The "Car Chase", Further Scrutiny Of The Story To Ensue, With Disputes Likely & Changes Ahead

Wednesday: Hopes For Agreement For Government Over Debt Crisis, But Anger, Gossip & Disgruntlement

Kipper Cards 1-6: Main Male, Main Female, Marriage Status, Meeting, Good Gentleman, Good Lady

Tuesday: Deal, Bond Or Marriage Brings Tears For A Female Love, With Loyalty Treated Lightly & Message Causing Negativity

People Cards In The Kipper Deck

This Week's News: A Hidden Investigation For Fraud Drawing To A Close

Roundup So Far This Month: Coronations, Sickness, Disgruntlement & Family Feuds, But Things To Enjoy Also

Friday: Unhealthiness That's Cleaved To Nonetheless, False Spirituality Around A House & A Young Man's Unexpected New Joy

A Comparison Between Three Kipper Decks

Thursday: An Old Institution, A Man, And Discussions Over Future Arrangements With Regard To Age, Health, Strength And Power

Wednesday: A Helper Or Employee En Route To A Reunion Wanting To Heal The Longing Of A Man In Mourning

An Introduction To The Kipper Cards

Tuesday: A Man Thinks About An Older Woman, And The Impact Of Her Higher Status On His Future Wealth

This Week: Somewhere To Get Away From It All, While There's Surprise Over Amount Of Money Spent On Sweeteners

The Vera Sibilla/Gypsy Oracle Versus Austrian Traditional Zigeuner Fortune Telling Cards: What's The Difference?

Four Quick Coronation Readings: Judgement Falls, Hidden Enemies, Change or Transformation

Friday: Plotting Female Foe Looks Forward To Superficial Healing Where She Can Show Off Her Gains

The Petit Jeu vs the Grand Jeu de Mlle Lenormand

Thursday: Falseness & Persuasion Involving Those In High Position, Especially In Legal Matters. The Public & The Private Are Not The Same

Wednesday: Coronation Again? Previous Religious Judgements, A Promise To God, But Ahead A Woman Mourns A Loss Of Value

Overview Of Differences Between The Main Oracle Decks

Tuesday: French Riots In Two Readings: A Conflict Over End Of Financial Deal & Respect: Plus Disgruntlement With Macron In Particular

This Month: Family Upsets, Drama, With Cunning Plans Exposed By Gossip, And Friends & Enemies Both

Four Corners General Layout: Sibylle des Salons/Sibilla Indovina

Weekly Roundup: PR Drive For A Woman While Others Despair At Loss of Value & Plans Are Afoot Behind The Scenes

Friday: Sweetness From An Official Figure On A Trip Away Where He Is Surrounded With Love, But A Cold Woman & Enemy Lie In Wait

"Six Main Themes" Layout: Sibylle des Salons

Thursday: A Loyal Official Or Soldier, A Female Lover's Deceptions, & Waiting For Wise Counsel On Grief & Loss

Wednesday: The End Of Benefits For A Loyal Servant Brings Upset At Her Casual Treatment

Reading Three, Four, And Five Card Chains

Layouts & Spreads

Tuesday: Despair In High Institution Over Man's Taking Of Value, Leaving Only Unpleasant Tough Work To Be Done

This Week: A New Deal & PR Drive For Woman With Endorsement By Knowledgeable International Friends

Practice Your Pairs! "Mystic Sevens" Layout

Weekly Roundup: Karma & Drama, Talks With A Wife, Documentation, Reconciliation & Conflicts

Practice Card Combinations/Pairs

Friday: Man In High Position Waits For Small Gains In Legal Proceedings With Younger Woman That Should Be Mutually Beneficial

Thursday: Reconciliation & Sweetness From Wealthy Older Man Sneered At By Enemy & Further Conflicts To Ensue

People Cards In The Sibylle Des Salons

Wednesday: News Or Documentation On A Woman & Child, Broken Promises & Chance To Capitalise On Losses

Tuesday: A Destructive Malady For Loving Man As Talks Anticipated With His Wife

V-W: Victory, Visit, Waiting, Weakness, Wedding, A Widow

This Week: A Falsehood Revealed, Karma At Work, A Drama, But Generally Positive

T: Tenderness, Thief, Thought, Trap, Trip To The Country

Weekly Roundup: Diminishment & Loss of Value Of Institutions, A Possible Partnership Split, And Glee Over The Prospect

S: A Sincere Friend, Soldier, Some Money, Success, Surprise, Sweet Card

Friday: The Coronation. A Pledge To Faithfulness, But Often Destroyed & Undermined, With Future Judgements On What Has Been Lost

Thursday: A Division Or Split Between Partners Brings Victory, Happiness & Gossip Over An Ending

P-R: Pensioner, Pleasure/Pastime, Presents, Protector, Quarrel, Reconciliation

Wednesday: Imprisoned In Bad Marriage, Private Thoughts Of Sorrow Over Ill-Advised Celebration Of Trip

Tuesday: A Couple, Their Marriage, Theft & Ambition With Possible Thoughts Of An Ending

This Week: Surprise Diminishment Of A House, & The Rage of Female Foe At The Lightheartedness Of One Who Was Meant To Protect

L: Lawyer, A Letter, Loss of Money, A Lot of Money, Love

Weekly Roundup: Looking Ahead For April, A Major International Agreement, Trump's Court Case, A Lucky Chancer & A Gamble

Friday: A Lucky Chancer Sweeps In Offering Stability, But A Gamble May Prove The Solution

I-J: Infantilism, Impediment, Important Revelation, Inconstancy, Journey

Thursday: Trump's Court Case. An Older & Younger Woman, A Lot of Money, Waiting, Planning & A Long Road Ahead

Wednesday: An Agreement For A Country Brings Celebration For The Removal Of Madness, But Thoughts May Be Of Revenge

Coming Up April: Secret Comes Out, Plus Lifelong Bond, But Healthy Cynicism Advised. Irrational Passions Rule: Use Caution With What You're Told

Roundup: A Brief Look Back At Jan-March 2023 Predictions

F-H: Faithfulness/Affection, Flatterer, Fright, Gamblers, Hope

Weekly Roundup: Official Visits, Court Cases Involving Privacy, Health/Energy Deal & Legal Papers

D & E: Dark-Haired Man, Dark-Haired Woman, Delay, Enemy

Friday: Legal Papers, A Wealthy Official, Big Ambitions & What Goes On Privately, Behind The Scenes

Thursday: A Man Who's Been Mourning Takes A Trip Which Brings Merriment, But Old Losses And Forces In Play, Especially In Love

Wednesday: A Health Or Energy Deal, Fighting Through Gloom, A Burden On Trade & Forced Positivity

C: Chattering, City House, Consultant (F), Consultant (M), Contrariety/Displeasure, Country House

Tuesday: A Meeting Of The Wealthy, A Legal Case, Bringing Possible Deal From House Over Privacy

This Week: Upset With News Of An Official Visit Bringing Disdain, With Negativity Turning To Praise

Weekly Roundup: Court Cases & Legal Matters, Money, Wealth & Corruption, Underlying Sickness & A Visitor's Proposed Plan

Friday: Good Luck From A Messenger, A Person Of Influence or Authority Offering Help Re: Falseness Over Movement Of Money

A-B: Absence, Anger, Angry Woman, A Blonde Woman

Thursday: Judgement Around The Falseness Of One In Authority

Wednesday: Older, Wealthy Man Comes Up Against Surprise Obstacle With Regard To Home, Family And The Chance For Privacy

An Introduction To The Sibylle Des Salons

Tuesday: Plans By A Wily Visitor; A Deal And A "Bridge" But True Intentions Obscured Or Murky

Monday: Legal Matters, Corruption, An Official & A Senior Man; Sickness Covered Up By Money Brings Despair

The Gypsy Oracle Cross Layout

Roundup: Bonds & Alliances At Senior & Global Level, & What They Do, Or Try To Do, For "Us, The People"

Friday: An Older Woman Contemplates Her Commitment, Entrapment & High Honours

Combining More Than Two Cards To Make A Story

Thursday: News Of Hopeful Thoughts Of A Senior Moral or Ecclesiastic Figure On Progress Or A Journey

Wednesday: Talk Arrives Re: Shared Burdens From Government Or Establishment. Will Might Or People Power Prevail?

What Might These Card Pairs Mean? Situations & Happenings

Tuesday: Pleasant Meeting With Help Offered By Generous Senior Man, But Rumours of Weakness & Serious Instability Abound

This Week: Global Alliances & Bonds Are Key In The Face of Serious Threats But Right Decisions Made & Big Changes Coming

People Cards In The Vera Sibilla/Gypsy Oracle

Weekly Roundup: A Time Of Diminishment & Loss, Plus Soldier's Longing, Lawyers & A Search For Lost Value

Friday: Falsehood Exposed In Business Bringing Ending For Spoiled Young Woman & Her Lover

Thursday: A Man, A Woman, A Dramatic Ending & Fruitless Search To Regain The Value That's Been Lost

What Might These Card Pairs Mean? People 2

Wednesday: Senior Lawyer Gives Privileged Young Woman Bad News About Amount Of Payout She Can Expect

Resource Post Archive

Tuesday: A Soldier-Moneymaker & A Potential Reunion After Escape. Pride Hurt & A Surprising Level Of Longing

What Might These Card Pairs Mean? People 1

This Week: A Time Of Struggle & Conflict. Plans Overshadowed, But Despite Losses, Ending Is A Good Thing

Weekly Roundup: Behind-The-Scenes Domestic Machinations, Final Judgement, A Deal & Questions Of Loyalty

Combining Vera Sibilla/Gypsy Oracle Cards

Friday: "House" Foundations Rocked Bringing Disappointment & Sadness Over Enemy Loyalty

Thursday: A Failed Soldier's Unreliability Drags Problems Out & Fails To Bring Him Support

Wednesday: End To A Defensive Standoff, With Lucky Routes For Business, And A Brand New Start Around A Deal

Tuesday: Female Enemies Moving On, Fake Tears Or Sorrow For Money

T-Z: Thief, Thought, Waiting, Wedding, Widower, Wife, Young Woman

S: Scholar, Servant, Service, Sighs, Soldier, Sorrow, Surprise, Sweetheart

This Week: A Man, A Woman, A Final Judgement That Upsets Him But That She's Been Working Towards

Alphabetical List Of Sibylle des Salons/Parlour Sibyl Cards

Index Of Kipper Card Meanings 1-36

O-R: Old Woman, Pleasure Seekers, Priest, Prison, Reunion, Room

M: Malady, Merchant, Melancholy, Messenger, Misfortune, Money

Weekly Roundup: Continued Resilience Required, Thoughts Of Shattered Dreams, Older Man Sweeping In To Support, But We All Still Await Improvement

Friday: Longing For Healing After Foundations Rocked By Madness, But Still Going In Circles

J-L: Journey, Joyfulness, Letter, Lord, Love, Lover

G & H: Gift, Haughtiness, House, Hope

Thursday: A Man Involved In Legal Proceedings Is Expecting High Honours & Waits For Deal Regarding Job Or Role

F: Faithfulness, Falseness, Foe, Fortune, Friend, Frivolity

Wednesday: Well-Regarded Older Man Sweeps In To Show Support & Bolster Historical Alliance Against Enemy

D & E: Death, Despair, Doctor, Enemy

Tuesday: An Uncertain Lover's Thoughts After A Major Disaster, The Dream Shattered, Protection Failed

C: Cheerfulness, Child, Consolation, Constancy, Conversation

This Week: Resilience Needed, A Falsehood Revealed, A Warning Not To Be Fooled By Charm, & Not To Lose Our Heads

An Introduction To The Vera Sibilla & Gypsy Oracle (Sibilla della Zingara) Cards

Weekly Roundup: Deceptions, Lies, Hidden Enemies, Unhealthiness & General Murkiness Of Officials

Friday: Falseness or Deception At The Heart Of Sorrow & Grieving, And Someone Looking To "Heal" The Sickness At Home

Gypsy Oracle/Sibilla della Zingara & Vera Sibilla Alphabetical List Of Cards

Thursday: Success Or Victory With Legal Completion Over Enemies For A Young Man

Wednesday: Spying, A Calculated Risk, A Major Test, And News A Significant Bridge To The Future

Tuesday: Surprise Deception In Business, The Sad Fall Of A House Previously Trusted Over Ethics Or Values

This Week: A Deceptive Solution To A Public Puzzle Around A Death From Officials. Wrongness and Mistakes Creating Pressure

Weekly Roundup: State Of The Union & A Woman Plotting Behind The Scenes

Friday: A Female Foe Thinks Of Entrapment, Or Her Thoughts May Be Obsessive & Rigid

Thursday: More About The Woman—Hidden, & Strategically Waiting For Enemy To Make Mistakes

Wednesday: An Ending Or Reveal Of A Big Official Secret, Subterfuge, And The Successful Involvement Of A Woman In Bringing It To Light

Tuesday: What Do The Cards Say About Biden & The State Of The Union?

This Week: A Woman Looks To Opportunities, While Hiding Her True Thoughts About A Man In High Position To Gain Money

Roundup: Early 2023 Checkback, Drama Coming & Secret To Be Revealed, Wealth v Poverty & A Profiting Family Friend

Friday: The Yearnings Of A Male Enemy, According To A "Family Friend" Who Profits From Association. The Sorrows & Sadness Of A "Military" Child.

The UK Government: Wealth & Poverty, Wedded To Falsehoods Or Lies About A Deal

Coming Up In Feb: A Secret Revealed, A Drama & Not Believing All We're Told, Especially By A Woman. An Underlying Sickness; Caution Urged.

La Vera Sibilla/Gypsy Oracle Cards 2023 Predictions Check-In

Sibilla Indovina/Parlour Sybil: Checking Back For Early 2023 Predictions

Weekly Roundup: Reconciliation Wishes, Violent Acts, Looking Ahead To Commitments, & Hopes Fade For The Missing

Friday: Sorrow & Regrets, Along With Hopes Of Reuniting

Thursday: So What Of Missing Actor Julian Sands?

Wednesday: An Official In High Position Looks Ahead To The Commitment He Will Make With Regard To The People

Tuesday: Discovery Of Loss & Aggression Or Violence Involving Older Person & A Deal With Supportive Officials Or Govt

Coming Up This Week: Wishful Thinking From An Absent Man Desperate For A Return, Reconciliation, And The Reward Of Admiration

Weekly Roundup: Delays, Waiting, Blocks Overseas, While Enemy Support Gathers & A Final Cutting Off

Friday: A Block Or Stop, Unexpected Split Or Pain, Sudden Accident Due To Blindness, A Younger Person's Confusion, And Love Blocked.

Thursday: A Conflict Brings Delay For An Older, Wealthy Male

Wednesday: Someone Thinking About Money, Meeting With Those Who Can Give It. A Lucky Trap & Changes, But Money Is Itself A Trap

Tuesday: Supporters Gather In Times Of Sorrow, Offering Help & Positivity, But Enemy Lover Will Be Left Wanting

This Week: Overseas Disillusionment, Someone Won't Get All They Want, But Gifts & Support Are On Offer If They Can Get Past Jealousies

Weekly Update: Unhealthy & Fake "Service", Enemies, Ambitions, & Being Out Of Control

Friday: "Out of Control" Is The Message, With Friends Distancing Themselves Over The Delayed Rehashing Of Old Spats

Thursday: Luck & A Hidden or Knowledge Opportunity For A Woman

Wednesday: A Couple, Big Money, Big Ambitions, Underlying Unhealthiness And Waiting For A Glorious Finale

A Male Enemy With False Destiny Professing Sorrow And Subservience

This Week: Sickness in Service, Ending & Entrapment, A Sweetheart & A Message Of Madness Coming

Weekly Summary: Upsets, Enemies, False Friends, Private Jealousies Cheered On For Money, & Value Lost

Friday: Tears As Family Loses Something Valuable, But Unreliability & Inconsistency Creates A Trap

Thursday: A Woman With Dreams Of High Position, A Hustle Ends, Options Reduced

Wednesday: A Rich Young Man's Negative Thoughts Of A Man, A Woman, A Prison, As He Awaits His Reward

Tuesday: Privacy, Money, Poor Advice, The Cheering On Of Falsehoods & Jealous Despair

A Russian Gypsy Oracle Reading For First Week of January, 2023. Upsets, Enemies, But Also Money & Surprising Good News