Political & Event Readings

Since “News” inevitably relates to our political situation, many of my daily news readings will reflect events and happenings that involve politics and politicians, as well as national and international events. Please note, I am in the UK, so won’t just cover US events, although they are of course included too. I endeavour for my readings not to be deliberately political partisan, although inevitably, my personal leanings and interests do sometimes seep into my readings, although I’m always conscious of trying to be neutral and fair, and present truthfully what the cards seem to be telling me.

Please note that I list any Royal Readings & gossip separately and don’t include these on this page. You can find those by clicking the button below:

Go To Royal Readings Page

The Kipper Military Person/Official card represents officialdom and those in authority

US Politics

Aug 2024

Kamala’s Prospects, Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards "Long Read" (August 2024)

The Democratic National Convention: Tone & Speeches (August 2024)

What About Trump's Partnership With Vance? A Partnership Read With The Sibilla Indovina (Aug 2024)

Kamala Picks Her Running Mate—Harris-Walz Partnership Read (Aug 2024)

Kamala's Running Mate: What Do The Kipper Cards Suggest? (Aug 2024)

July 2024

NATO Summit, Do The Cards Have Anything To Say? Two Four-Corner Readings With Different Decks (July 2024)

Back Down To Earth As Doubts Creep In; Secrets Exposed, A Warning To Be Wary Of Deception & Over Idealism (July 2024)

A Lie About Health, A Man & His Money Parted, A Woman & A Solution

Trump Assassination Attempt & Its Aftermath: What Do Lenormand Cards Have To Say? (July 2024)

The Gypsy Witch "Long Reading" Gives More On The Trump Situation (July 2024)

JD Vance, Initial Read With The Sibilla Indovina Cards (July 2024)

The "Too Many Old Men" Problem: What Do The Cards Suggest Needs To Happen?

A Wife, A Loss of Pride, & The Predictions Of An Old Woman. Hope From Sadness For A Senior Man (July 2024)

A Longer Reading With La Vera Sibilla On Joe Biden (example in a How-To long reading, July 2024)

What Do The Kipper Cards Say About Kamala & Her Prospects Now That Joe's Pulled Out Of The Race? (July 2024)

June 2024

Hunter & Joe. What Now After Guilty Verdict? A Kipper Card Relationship Reading

The "Gypsy Witch" Cards On The Week Ahead—A Man, A Shock or Health Issue In Public?

Trump & Biden Head To Head: No Love Lost In Partnership Read From the Sibilla Indovina

May 2024

Guilty Verdict. So What Is On The Cards Now For Trump? (May 2024)

Likely Verdict In The Trump Hush Money Trial? "Gypsy's Answer" On Where It's Currently Headed

NDAs In The Frame? Documents & Legal Restrictions Over Work Involving Older & Younger Woman & Connection With Rich Young Man

How's Stormy Doing? Quick Trump Trial Reading With The Vera Sibilla

April 2024

The "Hush Money" Court Case Opens: What Do The Kipper Cards Have To Say So Far?

A Woman Waiting In The Wings & A Deal (April 2024)

March 2024

What The Cards Say About Trump. Judication & Legal Advice Re: The Countdown, Court Cases, Secrets & Lies & Big Money

February 2024

The Donald & How The Traditional "Gypsy" Cards Say He'll Try To Use Financial Losses

What's The Deal With Joe? The Sibylle Des Salons Has Its Say (Biden’s memory problems)

January 2024

Lawmakers Hope For Loyalty & Good Faith, But Fail To Count On A Loss or Theft (thought to be about Nikki Haley’s bid)

A Woman, An Older Man, His Work Commitment & A Change She's Making (Kamala ahead of time??)

UK Politics

August 2024

Is Keir Making A Mistake Re: The Laying Down The Law? (August 2024)

Negativity Gifted After Courtship (August 2024 - news of the “painful” budget to come)

UK Riots, Polarisation & Mob Behaviour - What Can Be Done To Restore Harmony? Messaging At Core (August 2024)

August I: Two Men, One Undermining the Other's Positive Fresh Start, With Power, Force, Complications & An Ending (August 2024: UK Riots & Division)

July 2024

Election Time, So What's In The News For Today? Change & Good Fortune, But Also Unhealthy Celebration (July 2024)

Massive Win For Labour: What Do The Kipper Cards Suggest Is Next? (July 2024)

Who Gets What After The Win? Kipper Cards Speak Of Deals & Favours In The Making For A Lucky Man (July 2024)

June 2024

Rishi v Keir, UK Election, & Two 5-Card Spreads With Interesting Results

Who's The Man In Question? The Kipper Cards Give Some Clues

Rishi & The Gambling Aides, All Becoming Clear

May 2024

UK's Infected Blood Scandal—Oracle Cards Have Their Say On Institutional Failures & Cover-Up (May 2024)

Changes To The Top Job Expected In An Institution, But Will Be Granted Only Through Meeting With Others (May 2024)

UK Election Date Announced: Any Indications From The Cards? (May 2024)

Keir Starmer & The UK Labour Party: What Do The Cards Say About His Prospects?

Unsurprising Tory Disaster in UK Local Elections - What Do The Cards Say On The State of The Party? (NB mentions the gambling ahead of its discovery!)

April 2024

Long-Awaited News Brought By Enemy, Woman Gaining Money & Pleased (Labour’s Angela Rayner council house sale claims)

March 2024

Why DID Obama "Drop In" To 10 Downing Street This Week? The Sibylle des Salons Have Their Say!

European Politics

July 2024

Macron, and What's Going On in France? Traditional Gypsy Cards Have Their Say (July 2024)

Vlad & Kim-What Do The Cards Say On Putin & North Korea?

Feb 2024

A Death In Prison. The Kipper Cards On Navalny

Danger & Sudden Change With A Man On The Move, New Allegiances, Intent On Attack & Division (poss Putin in wake of Navalny’s death)

Other Events/Worldwide

August 2024

The Sinking of the Bayesian - What Will Investigation Reveal? (August 2024)

Strange Fates & Karma (despite not being on that topic, Bayesian-related seemingly)

July 2024

Mid Year Look-Back I: The Gypsy Oracle Cards From The Start Of 2024

  • Manipulative Male Underminer/False Servant: Look Out For Propagandists & False Influencers

Mid-Year Look-Back II: What Did Lenormand Cards Say Was Coming Up In 2024?

  • A Significant & Likely Dangerous Male In The Picture: Masked Assassin? Rising To Power?

June 2024

Regrets Over A Deal Or Marriage, While Explosive Anger, Religious Fervour and Unhealthy Passions Ensue

A Woman, A Theft Or Kidnap, A Female Enemy, Major Destruction

RIP Dr. Michael Mosely: Previous Week’s Reading (June 2024)

May 2024

Deceptions & A Mask of Respectability, Someone Not Who They Seem. What's Lurking Underneath?

April 2024

A Woman Sees Battle & Losses Ahead, But The Power Lies In Money & Wealth

What Is Being Given Or Handed Down? A Judgement Over An Ending or Death

Feb 2024

Where Will Stability & Calm Come From? The Traditional Cards Have Their Say!

When Institutions Go Bad! What Do Oracle Cards Suggest Can Be Done?

Jan 2024

Who Is Deceiving Us? Laziness Has Undermined Stability, And Institutions Are Due A Spring Clean

THOSE Papers Released & Names Revealed. What do the cards have to say? (Epstein papers)