Political & Event Readings

Since “News” inevitably relates to our political situation, many of my daily news readings will reflect events and happenings that involve politics and politicians, as well as national and international events. Please note, I am in the UK, so won’t just cover US events, although they are of course included too. I endeavour for my readings not to be deliberately political partisan, although inevitably, my personal leanings and interests do sometimes seep into my readings, although I’m always conscious of trying to be neutral and fair, and present truthfully what the cards seem to be telling me.

Please note that I list any Royal Readings & gossip separately and don’t include these on this page. You can find those by clicking the button below:

Go To Royal Readings Page

The Kipper Military Person/Official card represents officialdom and those in authority

US Politics

Nov 2024

What's Leading Up To A Deal Or Coming Together? Looking From Another Angle With Lenormand Cards (Nov 2024 - likely the Attorney General appt)


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