Nov 11, 2022Liked by The Daily Oracle

I've had this deck for years now, and it's my GO TO for the truth. If i'm not mistaken you also read the last 4 with Position one as the outcome. You read them as they are for where we are now, and then read them as if they are all in position one as the outcome. I hope that makes sense! I find this deck to be one of the most straightforward, read you to filth, decks out there. <3

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022Author

Yes, I stand corrected, you're right, the instructions do say you should either read them all in in their current Position then Position 1, or all just in Position 1 (I mostly tend to read them where they are now as they originally fell, and treat the Position 1 thing as non-obligatory, though it makes for a nicer ending, usually). I agree, though, despite the seeming complication, they are SUPER direct in a "quick n dirty'" kind of way!

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by The Daily Oracle

oh! That makes sense! I have a tendency to skip around when I read (ADHD) so I will latch onto the details that I actually CAN remember. LOL I got jumped on in an oracle group when I asked if people read EXACTLY as the author says, or if they use other decks (Lenormand or a Sybil) to boost the readings, a few folks are adamant that her instructions must be followed to a "t" or the reading is null and void. I have not found that to be true, though. It remains incredibly simple, yet profound.

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Yes, I agree. It really does.

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