Quite interesting. So, do you have a book or anything that summarizes all these readings? I'd love a paper or e-book with the various readings, plus an index. Which layouts are best for what type of question? Which layouts lend themselves better to readings with which decks? Plus I'd love advice on your way of doing readings on each layout, which is not at all straightforward. I love the blog, but you offer a wealth of information that can be difficult to keep sorted.

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Sorry, Lynne, am afraid another paper/e-book is not going to be in the pipeline at the current time, as am very busy with other work outside of this newsletter. Generally, every time I create a "how to" post, I include the details of what the spread is useful for and the step by step instructions of how to read, and link to that how to post whenever I do a daily reading that uses the same spread (obviously, I'm not going to repeat the steps every time I do a daily reading; that's what the link button is for). The Resource Index page here on the Daily Oracle website lists all the spreads at the bottom, and the Spreads & Layouts page also lists all the layouts. You're right though, I had been thinking about reordering the latter so it focuses on what spread is good for which purpose, (within the limits of what's possible on Substack), but haven't had the chance to work on updating that yet.

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I'll check the site, then. Thanks.

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