I like that you asked a specific question. For me it is more satisfying than the open-ended readings. Let's just hope we're seeing the end of the search, not the end of Sands!

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Yes, I prefer it, personally.. but when I've asked if there are any topics my readers would like me to explore, I've not had any takers! Any situations you'd like me to take a look at, Lynn?

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Well, whatever is in the news. You are writing for a wide audience, so topics that are fairly entertaining and of wide interest. The series you did that you guessed were about Harry's book might be an example of that. Today's question is another. You are posting every day, so something with a fairly short time frame.I just flipped through the Guardian. I think it's not easy to come up with simple, topical questions with wide appeal. But that's what I would aim for.

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Yes, I know— I was more asking if there was any current area or question in particular you or other readers wanted me to explore.

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