A Look-Back At Harry Predictions 2024—And Wishing You All A Very Merry Christmas!
A Reminder Of What The Kipper Cards GT Predicted for the Harkles, in my last post until after Christmas!
Kipper card GTs are GREAT for personal predictions (less so for general news predictions, often because of the number of potential people involved). It’s often instructive, too, to have a look back at old readings to see “how they did”, which is why I often do that here on the Daily Oracle.
And I was reminded of that when I had a look back at all my guidance posts for a Kipper Grand Tableau which used the errant and now very out-of-favour Prince Harry as an example, so I thought I’d share the actual predictions those cards made again here in another open-to-all post. Here was the layout.
This reading was done midway through 2023, so well before all the events of 2024 occurred. It mainly deals with the end of 2023 up to the end of March 2024. And as we’ll see, it turned out to be VERY accurate in the end.
You’ll need to be a subscriber, but if you want to find out all the detailed steps to read a Kipper Grand Tableau, you can find all the relevant steps by clicking on the buttons below.
The Prediction Itself (made June/July 2023)
In retrospect, I’d say the “older woman” here is not Camilla but either his manipulative mother-in-law Doria on the home front, or his aunt, Princess Anne who was apparently the senior Royal Family member who ended up legally delaying Harry’s inheritance (it was due to him as he turned 40 but Anne changed that so he would have to wait a few more years). Note the mentions of upcoming serious illness (this was not known until January 2024) and impending visits/trips. There were also numerous charges of “grifting” (eg from the Spotify boss) and multiple deals they had which fell through, and his multiple court cases, some of which at least were highly ill-advised and wasteful. As far as I’m aware, though, he has not received money from his father and particularly not his brother and I don’t believe apart from the very brief 15 minute meeting he had with Charles on his “flying visit” in February (see below - it does match what was predicted in the Kipper reading, more or less), they’ve seen each other at all over this period.
Obviously, though, no divorce between himself and Meghan has yet happened, despite the perhaps wishful thinking of many on that matter. But the couple have ended 2024 with their stars well and truly down and named as two of the least popular global celebrities of the year, not making money, apparently moving out of Montecito, and with a great many bridges burned.
These cards say Harry is a man with a lot bearing down on him in the next 9 months, although he’ll have some control over events also. The main issue for him is a journey or move he wants to make, and what he’s going to need to do day-to-day or workwise to achieve that. He has recently been influenced by questions of discipline, officialdom and authority, and the main thing coming up ahead for him is a situation of falsehoods, where things are being hidden, either by himself or those around him.
During this period one of the main occurrences is going to be unexpected money coming from an older or more senior male figure, possibly his father, and involving a child or children and professional or legal advice needing to be taken on that. Professional advice will be taken regarding money or financial provision for a child or children from their or his father. The money will be connected with a romantic relationship that’s perhaps been lost or diminished over a period of time. Money or a regular payment emerges from this romantic relationship and gets lost or taken gradually.
Harry may have moving on on his mind, but has something false or deceptive ahead of him. There is an older woman involved who’s perhaps dominating him; she’s involved in his journey or move but her presence is not truthful or legitimate and she could be being manipulative. The move he’s going to make is perhaps not the way it looks on the surface.
He has something or someone official or authoritative in his recent past, perhaps a position, which has brought him despair of the kind he still wants to get away from. He wants to move away from that kind of discipline to getting money from other sources. The authority or officialdom, however, has also brought him large amounts of unearned wealth with regard to the work he does day to day or how he spends his time. In future, it looks as though he’ll be given misleading advice ahead with regard to that occupation or activities.
He is trying to escape the despair on his mind and an older woman is involved, but his past official position or recent official matters means that there’s falseness and deception ahead for him. He’ll get professional advice on making big money from what he does and what he needs to do, but it’s incorrect. He’s been despairing over how much money it involves, is trying to move on with what he does day to day. But the advice he gets from a woman ahead is misleading, and it’s most likely to be around his wealth. He is someone who may well be about to lose money unexpectedly, and it seems that he has been extremely fortunate in the past with regard to those he’s had the privilege to meet and mix with.
There’s been professional advice regarding a child at this time along with work and activities that have been carried out in private A marriage or deal has involved making lots of money and there has been news of great opportunities and good fortune. But it appears the rewards have fallen flat and the respect and high regard simply isn’t there. It all takes quite a long time to play out and finally end, a bit of a long drawn out ending. There is a sense of taking what hasn’t been earned or given, of stealing or running off with freebies. A relationship has become a trap, but there could be income coming from an older or senior man, perhaps his father. He is thinking about lies and falsehoods, what to cover up, what will remain hidden as well as a wealthy young woman from his past who is still in his mind. There are official procedures going on, likely court cases and processes that have been organised , and there is unwellness and dysfunction in the household, or a family member may be ill. There is a wait for things to change, but there are only negative thoughts or concerns when he meets or mingles with others. He is also experiencing great despair over a woman who he is moving apart from. There is progress towards his goals, or his goal is to get away now, with the involvement of an older, more senior woman, and a wealthy young man, perhaps his brother.
Consideration and thoughts about a child or children brings misinformation and incorrect advice, perhaps deliberately so. Privately, there could be thoughts of a wealthy younger woman from the past in what Harry (our querent) is doing day-to-day. There are divorce proceedings indicated, and for someone in charge or in an official position to make, or perhaps offer, a great deal of money. But there is news from home of an ailment or illness, too, which brings a big opportunity, albeit an unhealthy one. The expectation of rewards and high position, however, changes with the arrival of sad news. Taking a long time to meet or come together with others brings negative thoughts over an ending. There is also despair at the loss or theft regarding a particular gift given to a woman. A romantic escape with big dreams turned into a trap, something very difficult to get out of. Unexpected money will come from an older woman, in conjunction, it seems, with a young richer man (his brother?) and an older man, presumably their father.
Harry may be about to lose his money or something of value unexpectedly , and has been very lucky and had great opportunities with the people he’s been able to meet and mix with in the past.
It appears that the activities or role an older woman in his life (Camilla?) carries out day to day are of significance, and it could be that she is in the process of removing duties and/or authority from him, or is in charge of those officials who will be taking things away. But the biggest losses he faces are due to his own unhealthy approach, something that is wrong with him, a problem he has. Losses should have been anticipated or expected as a result.
What kind of sickness or unhealthiness are we talking about? The cards suggest a running away from work, or being workshy, as well as not only the diminishment of honour and high position, but perhaps the “stealing” of rewards and recognitions without having done what’s should be required to deserve them. Another thing that contributes to his unhealthy mindset is a previous family bereavement, presumably the loss of his mother.
Harry also appears to very much have a younger wealthy woman from his past on his mind (and my money would be on this being Chelsey Davy, although it could be his fantasy version of Meghan). This ‘dream girl’ is connected with his private, even his intimate life, is very much in his mind right now. He can’t stop thinking about that, and she’s coming up in relation to a legal process or court case also and she could well be idealised version. His private life and some sort of ‘deal’ or marriage with her is linked to specifically in the court case and she may be overseas. His thoughts of his private or intimate life with her involves youth and possibly children but the thoughts of his brother with regard to his plans connected with her also feature.
A legal case with regard to his marriage to a his wife is causing enormous angst to those in official or authority positions regarding payouts and cost. His intimate life with this dream girl and his dreams and fantasies about it connect with his fleeing from his role. And the thoughts of his brother about childhood, children and youth are linked to an older woman giving what looks like deliberately false or misleading counsel or advice.
There’s advice connected with Harry involving his father privately in some sort of legal capacity.
And making big money again will be a long slog for him, even though he expects it, and is filled with negative thoughts and complaints. There’s a journey or progress from someone deceptive, or a deceptive journey involving a rich man and being trapped into marriage. Plus there’s deception about work or a role being lost or stolen (or grifting!) and a change in relations with other people.
Where Harry is living and who he actually is in terms of family name as well as his own family is important to him at this time. He is likely to start receiving unexpected income, perhaps a relatively small stipend. He may well feel that he needs a great deal of money to make the move he is thinking of, but the older woman in the picture is likely to be influencing the terms of any journey or move he is likely to make. There has been discipline and control exerted over him privately recently, either from within his own wider family or his marriage. This is likely either to be due to unhealthy behaviour or is in itself an unhealthy form of control. Meanwhile, ahead of him, an ending is likely to be covered up, as it turns out that his private life is not what it appears to be or what he pretends it is. There is a sense of fakeness involved in the whole thing.
He feels trapped or restricted both by having to work but also in the work he is actually able to do; his options and capabilities are limited. Previously, he has been gifted jobs to do and all attendant freebies; he’s never had to earn or strive for what he’s been given. He is in despair over a particular privileged young woman, and it is likely that this will be magnified by the receipt of some bad news.
He is getting professional or legal advice on wealth and large amounts of money at this time, as he feels he’ll need it in order to make the move he wants to make. Meanwhile, in her capacity of influencer over any move he’s able to make, the older or more senior woman will be putting her views in writing. Harry will have to be patient and wait for legal advice or even a final judgement about the amount of money involved.
Following the path through the spread, we can see that Harry’s living circumstances, family and home life is what is surrounding him as a concern at the moment. Where should he live? He considers his home to be where love and support is, so will need to work out where that is. He thinks that should be his wife, but she has been rewarded with high or senior position and has gone up in the world, and has done so off the back of an older, more senior man, possibly his father. Involving the older or senior man in ambitions and dreams for making lots of money and having great wealth is wealth gained in an unhealthy and short-term manner, which involves an element of control, officialdom or controlling behaviour which is not healthy and has been happening in his private family life. His private life is not what it seems or what he thought, and he may have to lie about this coming to an end. The ending brings negative, depressive thoughts about what he has lost and either the loss of the marriage itself or having to sign something that takes it away from him. An agreement will be made in writing, possibly as stipulated by the older more senior woman. She appears to have influence over the move he makes as well as the amount of money it involves, and could even be making the final decision on that. So he will have to be patient and wait for the decision. He’s unlikely to get all that he’s hoping for, though, and this will send him into despair, particularly regarding his idealised privileged young lady whom he seems to view as a gift given to him in some way. He may be given another job to do, but it is something he finds restrictive, or he has limits in doing, and he’ll be stuck doing it for a long time. During this long period he’ll be meeting with other people, including someone wealthy, most likely, his brother, who will by then be holding the purse strings, and who will provide him with money.
July 2023: In a supposedly romantic situation, Harry contemplates moving on to those who love him or from his relationship with his wife but has to take action in finding work, a job to do, in which he finds he is limited.
August 2023: An unexpected payment (possibly via William) regarding the move is on the mind of an older or senior woman (Kate? Camilla?) at this time. She’ll likely be keeping her cards close to her chest, while there is some fakeness and pretence around an ending and some advice or a decision is given secretly that Harry has had to wait for.
September 2023: Events now turn to thoughts of a child (aka Harry himself) and/or of Harry’s children, and changes will be made now in the lives of the children. Harry is contemplating his children’s and his own privacy and private life, although Harry’s thoughts may appear a little immature at this time. Now his brother William, who is largely in charge of the purse strings and his ever-hopeful father King Charles come more into the picture.
October 2023: Now comes a focus on the private life and all the things that have been hidden regarding Meghan and what she has been or gets given or offered. This will concern her goals and ambitions of great wealth and making big money, and limits will now be put on this for a long period of time. She is likely to find herself restricted or limited in what she can achieve or do.
November 2023: A written contract, like an NDA for instance, or the agreement mentioned previously now comes into play or divorce papers are issued and legal proceedings begin and/or are now carefully considered. In particular there will be events regarding on any “rewards” or honours given to a woman (Meghan again?) so presumably any titles bestowed, but also regarding a role that’s gifted or has been gifted previously.
December 2023: A document now comes into the picture, which may have something to do with an older or senior woman, or may be her brainchild (poss Kate or Camilla or even the late Queen), and this is to do with the family name, physical homes, the institution of the family itself, and love relationships and support. The loss this entails brings negativity to Harry, who will likely complain about something being “stolen” which will then likely be exacerbated by an ending or even a bereavement. Feelings of depression, grief and sorrow is a strong possibility at this time.
January 2024: Now the office of an older or senior man comes into play, so perhaps Charles’ crown itself and his role as King. There appears to be a wait involved or the anticipation of some bad news. There will be legal or process changes or a changeover that takes place and some sad or bad news delivered which will only add to Harry’s despair and sense of sorrow and grief. Does something happen to Charles here? Does William take over?
February 2024: A long road or process of what is likely reconciliation between people is likely to begin now ; perhaps Harry’s rehabilitation with the UK public or perhaps in terms of reconciling with his family, in particular, his brother William. There could be a public display of this. There is, however, unhealthiness about this, a degree of unhealthy control or strings being pulled by officials behind it. This may be slightly mitigated, however, by something fortunate that happens, a lucky event outside everyone’s control.
March 2024: The final month in our reading. A loss will occur or something is stolen with regard to either a marriage or a deal which brings despair again for Harry regarding Meghan. Officials and authority figures will then get involved, perhaps behind the scenes, perhaps with regard to private or intimate family matters. A great deal of money will need to be spent regarding a legal decision or a lot of money will be paid out on legal advice.
Just goes to show…
Now, I won’t be doing readings for the rest of this week, as I will be away having a family Christmas break. Readings here on the Daily Oracle will start again on Monday 30th December.
Hope you all have wonderful holidays—may you all eat, drink and be merry!